Planning is a life skill to get the most out of our time and to do tasks more efficiently, so it should apply to our studies as well right?Suppose you have a puzzle that want to complete. Imagine every puzzle piece being a task that lies ahead for your day, or a topic or module for your subject(s). This will stress a student out no doubt! Especially if one studies and revises for their exams at the last minute.

This is a statistic taken by teach secondary:
“Recent research undertaken by O2 Learn shows that 76% of young people start revision four weeks or less in advance of exams and of those, 20% wait until seven days or less before a test to begin consolidating their learning in preparation. This is sobering news and demonstrates how easy it is for students and their teachers alike to assume that revision should start at a fixed point in the school year.”

When it comes to planning a study and revision schedule for the exam period, it is essential to start early and to be consistent. Why?

Well first of all, you will have less puzzle pieces to deal with and to put in place, especially towards the exam revision period! Why wouldn’t we want to start earlier?
Last minute planning, let alone last minute studying, is exam suicide. There are students who do get away with it but they are far few between amongst the student masses. Cramming leaves memory gaps in a student’s mind and consequently their understanding to answer a question won’t be as efficient as they are less likely to ‘connect the dots’.Furthermore, studies show that one minute in planning saves ten minutes in execution. If one plans early in the year and decides to break down their study content and becomes consistent to take action each day, then the major barrier to achieving their grade(s) will have already been removed.


Need support with putting a revision plan in place – Call us on 020 7247 9515

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